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Communal Notices


Communal Notices

16 Jul 2018

4 Av 5778

Category : Communal Notices   Country : United Kingdom   Region : London

We are indebted and deeply grateful to ALL members of our kehilla for the incredible kindness and understanding they have shown over the past 18 months.
We have been inspired and humbled by the Tefillos, compassion and huge undertakings that thousands of people have participated in around the globe.
Ariel Yehuda ben Pinchas Zvi was an inspiration to us all and we daven he should be a Meilitz Yoshor for all of Klal Yisroel.
We can never thank you enough for all you have done and may HKB"H answer all your tefillos.
With deepest appreciation:
Avigail Klein
Families Klein
Families Last